ecarlett b55c9d256c initial commit, with already alarm added. TODO : add possibility to disable alarm status, and make it work on 12hrs format
pick 0dcfb2ed Fix erratum 58 workaround
    pick 1162fdbf initial commit, with already alarm added. TODO : add possibility to disable alarm status, and make it work on 12hrs format
 Next commands to do (30 remaining commands):
    pick ab901b89 added option to show or hide alarm status
    pick 1af813a2 fixed alarm status reappearing when alarm changed, even if not set to be displayed. TODO : clean comments related to this, and add am/pm format for alarm
 You are currently rebasing branch 'testcalendar' on '577dfd5b'.
2024-05-30 15:47:49 +02:00

319 lines
7.5 KiB

// Parse input arguments and execute convertor
'use strict';
const argparse = require('argparse');
const fs = require('fs');
const mkdirp = require('mkdirp');
const path = require('path');
const convert = require('./convert');
class ActionFontAdd extends argparse.Action {
call(parser, namespace, value/*, option_string*/) {
let items = (namespace[this.dest] || []).slice();
items.push({ source_path: value, ranges: [] });
namespace[this.dest] = items;
// add range or symbols to font;
// need to merge them into one array here so overrides work correctly
class ActionFontRangeAdd extends argparse.Action {
call(parser, namespace, value, option_string) {
let fonts = namespace.font || [];
if (fonts.length === 0) {
parser.error(`argument ${option_string}: Only allowed after --font`);
let lastFont = fonts[fonts.length - 1];
// { symbols: 'ABC' }, or { range: [ 65, 67, 65 ] }
lastFont.ranges.push({ [this.dest]: value });
// add hinting option to font;
class ActionFontStoreTrue extends argparse.Action {
constructor(options) {
options = options || {};
options.const = true;
options.default = options.default !== null ? options.default : false;
options.nargs = 0;
call(parser, namespace, value, option_string) {
let fonts = namespace.font || [];
if (fonts.length === 0) {
parser.error(`argument ${option_string}: Only allowed after --font`);
let lastFont = fonts[fonts.length - 1];
lastFont[this.dest] = this.const;
// Formatter with support of `\n` in Help texts.
class RawTextHelpFormatter2 extends argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter {
// executes parent _split_lines for each line of the help, then flattens the result
_split_lines(text, width) {
return [].concat(...text.split('\n').map(line => super._split_lines(line, width)));
// parse decimal or hex code in unicode range
function unicode_point(str) {
let m = /^(?:(?:0x([0-9a-f]+))|([0-9]+))$/i.exec(str.trim());
if (!m) throw new TypeError(`${str} is not a number`);
let [ , hex, dec ] = m;
let value = hex ? parseInt(hex, 16) : parseInt(dec, 10);
if (value > 0x10FFFF) throw new TypeError(`${str} is out of unicode range`);
return value;
// parse range
function range(str) {
let result = [];
for (let s of str.split(',')) {
let m = /^(.+?)(?:-(.+?))?(?:=>(.+?))?$/i.exec(s);
let [ , start, end, mapped_start ] = m;
if (!end) end = start;
if (!mapped_start) mapped_start = start;
start = unicode_point(start);
end = unicode_point(end);
if (start > end) throw new TypeError(`Invalid range: ${s}`);
mapped_start = unicode_point(mapped_start);
result.push(start, end, mapped_start);
return result;
// exclude negative numbers and non-numbers
function positive_int(str) {
if (!/^\d+$/.test(str)) throw new TypeError(`${str} is not a valid number`);
let n = parseInt(str, 10);
if (n <= 0) throw new TypeError(`${str} is not a valid number`);
return n;
} = async function (argv, debug = false) {
// Configure CLI
let parser = new argparse.ArgumentParser({
add_help: true,
formatter_class: RawTextHelpFormatter2
if (debug) {
parser.exit = function (status, message) {
throw new Error(message);
parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', {
action: 'version',
version: require('../package.json').version
parser.add_argument('--size', {
metavar: 'PIXELS',
type: positive_int,
required: true,
help: 'Output font size, pixels.'
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', {
metavar: '<path>',
help: 'Output path.'
parser.add_argument('--bpp', {
choices: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 ],
type: positive_int,
required: true,
help: 'Bits per pixel, for antialiasing.'
let lcd_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group();
lcd_group.add_argument('--lcd', {
action: 'store_true',
default: false,
help: 'Enable subpixel rendering (horizontal pixel layout).'
lcd_group.add_argument('--lcd-v', {
action: 'store_true',
default: false,
help: 'Enable subpixel rendering (vertical pixel layout).'
parser.add_argument('--use-color-info', {
dest: 'use_color_info',
action: 'store_true',
default: false,
help: 'Try to use glyph color info from font to create grayscale icons. ' +
'Since gray tones are emulated via transparency, result will be good on contrast background only.'
parser.add_argument('--format', {
choices: convert.formats,
required: true,
help: 'Output format.'
parser.add_argument('--font', {
metavar: '<path>',
action: ActionFontAdd,
required: true,
help: 'Source font path. Can be used multiple times to merge glyphs from different fonts.'
parser.add_argument('-r', '--range', {
type: range,
action: ActionFontRangeAdd,
help: `
Range of glyphs to copy. Can be used multiple times, belongs to previously declared "--font". Examples:
-r 0x1F450
-r 0x20-0x7F
-r 32-127
-r 32-127,0x1F450
-r '0x1F450=>0xF005'
-r '0x1F450-0x1F470=>0xF005'
parser.add_argument('--symbols', {
action: ActionFontRangeAdd,
help: `
List of characters to copy, belongs to previously declared "--font". Examples:
--symbols ,.0123456789
--symbols abcdefghigklmnopqrstuvwxyz
parser.add_argument('--autohint-off', {
type: range,
action: ActionFontStoreTrue,
help: 'Disable autohinting for previously declared "--font"'
parser.add_argument('--autohint-strong', {
type: range,
action: ActionFontStoreTrue,
help: 'Use more strong autohinting for previously declared "--font" (will break kerning)'
parser.add_argument('--force-fast-kern-format', {
dest: 'fast_kerning',
action: 'store_true',
default: false,
help: 'Always use kern classes instead of pairs (might be larger but faster).'
parser.add_argument('--no-compress', {
dest: 'no_compress',
action: 'store_true',
default: false,
help: 'Disable built-in RLE compression.'
parser.add_argument('--no-prefilter', {
dest: 'no_prefilter',
action: 'store_true',
default: false,
help: 'Disable bitmap lines filter (XOR), used to improve compression ratio.'
parser.add_argument('--no-kerning', {
dest: 'no_kerning',
action: 'store_true',
default: false,
help: 'Drop kerning info to reduce size (not recommended).'
parser.add_argument('--lv-include', {
metavar: '<path>',
help: 'Set alternate "lvgl.h" path (for --format lvgl).'
parser.add_argument('--full-info', {
dest: 'full_info',
action: 'store_true',
default: false,
help: 'Don\'t shorten "font_info.json" (include pixels data).'
// Process CLI options
let args = parser.parse_args(argv.length ? argv : [ '-h' ]);
for (let font of args.font) {
if (font.ranges.length === 0) {
parser.error(`You need to specify either "--range" or "--symbols" for font "${font.source_path}"`);
try {
font.source_bin = fs.readFileSync(font.source_path);
} catch (err) {
parser.error(`Cannot read file "${font.source_path}": ${err.message}`);
// Convert
let files = await convert(args);
// Store files
for (let [ filename, data ] of Object.entries(files)) {
let dir = path.dirname(filename);
fs.writeFileSync(filename, data);
// export for tests
module.exports._range = range;