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2024-03-21 20:13:15 +01:00
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#pragma once
#include "IGUIElement.h"
#include "SColor.h"
namespace irr
namespace gui
class IGUISpriteBank;
class IGUIScrollBar;
//! Enumeration for listbox colors
//! Color of text
//! Color of selected text
//! Color of icon
//! Color of selected icon
//! Not used, just counts the number of available colors
//! Default list box GUI element.
/** \par This element can create the following events of type EGUI_EVENT_TYPE:
class IGUIListBox : public IGUIElement
//! constructor
IGUIListBox(IGUIEnvironment *environment, IGUIElement *parent, s32 id, core::rect<s32> rectangle) :
IGUIElement(EGUIET_LIST_BOX, environment, parent, id, rectangle) {}
//! returns amount of list items
virtual u32 getItemCount() const = 0;
//! returns string of a list item. the may id be a value from 0 to itemCount-1
virtual const wchar_t *getListItem(u32 id) const = 0;
//! adds an list item, returns id of item
virtual u32 addItem(const wchar_t *text) = 0;
//! adds an list item with an icon
/** \param text Text of list entry
\param icon Sprite index of the Icon within the current sprite bank. Set it to -1 if you want no icon
\return The id of the new created item */
virtual u32 addItem(const wchar_t *text, s32 icon) = 0;
//! Removes an item from the list
virtual void removeItem(u32 index) = 0;
//! get the the id of the item at the given absolute coordinates
/** \return The id of the list item or -1 when no item is at those coordinates*/
virtual s32 getItemAt(s32 xpos, s32 ypos) const = 0;
//! Returns the icon of an item
virtual s32 getIcon(u32 index) const = 0;
//! Sets the sprite bank which should be used to draw list icons.
/** This font is set to the sprite bank of the built-in-font by
default. A sprite can be displayed in front of every list item.
An icon is an index within the icon sprite bank. Several
default icons are available in the skin through getIcon. */
virtual void setSpriteBank(IGUISpriteBank *bank) = 0;
//! clears the list, deletes all items in the listbox
virtual void clear() = 0;
//! returns id of selected item. returns -1 if no item is selected.
virtual s32 getSelected() const = 0;
//! sets the selected item. Set this to -1 if no item should be selected
virtual void setSelected(s32 index) = 0;
//! sets the selected item. Set this to 0 if no item should be selected
virtual void setSelected(const wchar_t *item) = 0;
//! set whether the listbox should scroll to newly selected items
virtual void setAutoScrollEnabled(bool scroll) = 0;
//! returns true if automatic scrolling is enabled, false if not.
virtual bool isAutoScrollEnabled() const = 0;
//! set all item colors at given index to color
virtual void setItemOverrideColor(u32 index, video::SColor color) = 0;
//! set all item colors of specified type at given index to color
virtual void setItemOverrideColor(u32 index, EGUI_LISTBOX_COLOR colorType, video::SColor color) = 0;
//! clear all item colors at index
virtual void clearItemOverrideColor(u32 index) = 0;
//! clear item color at index for given colortype
virtual void clearItemOverrideColor(u32 index, EGUI_LISTBOX_COLOR colorType) = 0;
//! has the item at index its color overwritten?
virtual bool hasItemOverrideColor(u32 index, EGUI_LISTBOX_COLOR colorType) const = 0;
//! return the overwrite color at given item index.
virtual video::SColor getItemOverrideColor(u32 index, EGUI_LISTBOX_COLOR colorType) const = 0;
//! return the default color which is used for the given colorType
virtual video::SColor getItemDefaultColor(EGUI_LISTBOX_COLOR colorType) const = 0;
//! set the item at the given index
virtual void setItem(u32 index, const wchar_t *text, s32 icon) = 0;
//! Insert the item at the given index
/** \return The index on success or -1 on failure. */
virtual s32 insertItem(u32 index, const wchar_t *text, s32 icon) = 0;
//! Swap the items at the given indices
virtual void swapItems(u32 index1, u32 index2) = 0;
//! set global itemHeight
virtual void setItemHeight(s32 height) = 0;
//! Sets whether to draw the background
virtual void setDrawBackground(bool draw) = 0;
//! Access the vertical scrollbar
virtual IGUIScrollBar *getVerticalScrollBar() const = 0;
} // end namespace gui
} // end namespace irr