sapier c3984569c0 Add formspec toolkit and refactor mainmenu to use it
Fix crash on using cursor keys in client menu without selected server
Add support for non fixed size tabviews
2014-05-16 22:57:14 +02:00

222 lines
7 KiB

Minetest Lua Mainmenu API Reference 0.4.10
The main menu is defined as a formspec by Lua in builtin/mainmenu/
Description of formspec language to show your menu is in lua_api.txt
core.buttonhandler(fields): called when a button is pressed.
^ fields = {name1 = value1, name2 = value2, ...}
^ event: "MenuQuit", "KeyEnter", "ExitButton" or "EditBoxEnter"
The "gamedata" table is read when calling core.start(). It should contain:
playername = <name>,
password = <password>,
address = <IP/adress>,
port = <port>,
selected_world = <index>, -- 0 for client mode
singleplayer = <true/false>,
^ returns directory of script
core.get_modpath() (possible in async calls)
^ returns path to global modpath
core.get_modstore_details(modid) (possible in async calls)
^ modid numeric id of mod in modstore
^ returns {
id = <numeric id of mod in modstore>,
title = <human readable title>,
basename = <basename for mod>,
description = <description of mod>,
author = <author of mod>,
download_url= <best match download url>,
license = <short description of license>,
rating = <float value of current rating>
core.get_modstore_list() (possible in async calls)
^ returns {
[1] = {
id = <numeric id of mod in modstore>,
title = <human readable title>,
basename = <basename for mod>
core.get_gamepath() (possible in async calls)
^ returns path to global gamepath
core.get_texturepath() (possible in async calls)
^ returns path to default textures
core.get_dirlist(path,onlydirs) (possible in async calls)
^ path to get subdirs from
^ onlydirs should result contain only dirs?
^ returns list of folders within path
core.create_dir(absolute_path) (possible in async calls)
^ absolute_path to directory to create (needs to be absolute)
^ returns true/false
core.delete_dir(absolute_path) (possible in async calls)
^ absolute_path to directory to delete (needs to be absolute)
^ returns true/false
core.copy_dir(source,destination,keep_soure) (possible in async calls)
^ source folder
^ destination folder
^ keep_source DEFAULT true --> if set to false source is deleted after copying
^ returns true/false
core.extract_zip(zipfile,destination) [unzip within path required]
^ zipfile to extract
^ destination folder to extract to
^ returns true/false
core.download_file(url,target) (possible in async calls)
^ url to download
^ target to store to
^ returns true/false
core.get_version() (possible in async calls)
^ returns current core version
core.sound_play(spec, looped) -> handle
^ spec = SimpleSoundSpec (see lua-api.txt)
^ looped = bool
core.get_table_index(tablename) -> index
^ can also handle textlists
core.formspec_escape(string) -> string
^ escapes characters [ ] \ , ; that can not be used in formspecs
core.explode_table_event(string) -> table
^ returns e.g. {type="CHG", row=1, column=2}
^ type: "INV" (no row selected), "CHG" (selected) or "DCL" (double-click)
core.explode_textlist_event(string) -> table
^ returns e.g. {type="CHG", index=1}
^ type: "INV" (no row selected), "CHG" (selected) or "DCL" (double-click)
core.set_background(type, texturepath)
^ type: "background", "overlay", "header" or "footer"
^ shows a file open dialog
^ formname is base name of dialog response returned in fields
^ -if dialog was accepted "_accepted"
^^ will be added to fieldname containing the path
^ -if dialog was canceled "_cancelled"
^ will be added to fieldname value is set to formname itself
^ returns nil or selected file/folder
^ returns {
density = <screen density 0.75,1.0,2.0,3.0 ... (dpi)>,
display_width = <width of display>,
display_height = <height of display>,
window_width = <current window width>,
window_height = <current window height>
^ returns {
id = <id>,
path = <full path to game>,
gamemods_path = <path>,
name = <name of game>,
menuicon_path = <full path to menuicon>,
addon_mods_paths = {[1] = <path>,},
core.get_games() -> table of all games in upper format (possible in async calls)
core.get_favorites(location) -> list of favorites (possible in async calls)
^ location: "local" or "online"
^ returns {
[1] = {
clients = <number of clients/nil>,
clients_max = <maximum number of clients/nil>,
version = <server version/nil>,
password = <true/nil>,
creative = <true/nil>,
damage = <true/nil>,
pvp = <true/nil>,
description = <server description/nil>,
name = <server name/nil>,
address = <address of server/nil>,
port = <port>
core.delete_favorite(id, location) -> success
core.debug(line) (possible in async calls)
^ Always printed to stderr and logfile (print() is redirected here)
core.log(line) (possible in async calls)
core.log(loglevel, line) (possible in async calls)
^ loglevel one of "error", "action", "info", "verbose"
core.setting_set(name, value)
core.setting_get(name) -> string or nil (possible in async calls)
core.setting_setbool(name, value)
core.setting_getbool(name) -> bool or nil (possible in async calls)
core.setting_save() -> nil, save all settings to config file
core.get_worlds() -> list of worlds (possible in async calls)
^ returns {
[1] = {
path = <full path to world>,
name = <name of world>,
gameid = <gameid of world>,
core.create_world(worldname, gameid)
core.gettext(string) -> string
^ look up the translation of a string in the gettext message catalog
fgettext(string, ...) -> string
^ call core.gettext(string), replace "$1"..."$9" with the given
^ extra arguments, call core.formspec_escape and return the result
core.parse_json(string[, nullvalue]) -> something (possible in async calls)
^ see core.parse_json (lua_api.txt)
dump(obj, dumped={})
^ Return object serialized as a string
^ eg. string:split("a,b", ",") == {"a","b"}
^ eg. string.trim("\n \t\tfoo bar\t ") == "foo bar"
core.is_yes(arg) (possible in async calls)
^ returns whether arg can be interpreted as yes
^ execute a function asynchronously
^ async_job is a function receiving one parameter and returning one parameter
^ parameters parameter table passed to async_job
^ finished function to be called once async_job has finished
^ the result of async_job is passed to this function
Limitations of Async operations
-No access to global lua variables, don't even try
-Limited set of available functions
e.g. No access to functions modifying menu like core.start,core.close,
Class reference
Settings: see lua_api.txt