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haui edited this page 2024-06-14 07:32:26 +02:00

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This is a place to store knowledge about modding and/in minetest/voxelibre.

Random tickspeed in Voxelibre:

hi folks! came here to ask a question but firsteveryone who plays this game and those who help develop it are saints in my book. Just wanted to get that out there. That said, I feel like random tick speed is pretty high. Everything grows insanely fast and although I appreciate not waiting a ton, it might get old. Anyone know how to change that?


function mcl_farming:add_plant

well function mcl_farming:add_plant(identifier, full_grown, names, interval, chance)

it passes in interval and chance to the abm it creates

so chance is 1 in chance. if you pass 2, it'll happen 50% of the time, 4 and 25% of the time

interval is how frequently that chance is attempted

as we don't really have a random tick speed under the cover

we've kind of chosen to keep faster growth speeds, but it is customisable this way

so in carrots.lua, are the bottom, you havemcl_farming:add_plant("plant_carrot", "mcl_farming:carrot", {"mcl_farming:carrot_1", "mcl_farming:carrot_2", "mcl_farming:carrot_3", "mcl_farming:carrot_4", "mcl_farming:carrot_5", "mcl_farming:carrot_6", "mcl_farming:carrot_7"}, 25, 20)

so, it's a 1 in 20 chance, every 25 seconds

of course, you could just modify the add_plant, and multiply the chance by 0.75 for 25% slower growth

chance = chance * 0.75,

for everything

About general modding in voxelibre

One thing I will mention is that when I need large amounts of Lapis Lazuli for enchanting, I find a village and get a cleric. They have lapis as a trade.

There is also an open issue for the rarity of lapis orehttps://git.minetest.land/VoxeLibre/VoxeLibre/issues/3561

Though it looks like you already commented on that issue.

Du> <@:matrix.org> Though it looks like you already commented on that issue.

I did. right now I just want to do a quick fix with a mod so people can go on with their lives until the fix is pulled. :)

Ducan you maybe point me in the right direction? I feel like redefining the enchantments is obsolete, no?

I think there should be a way to not have to duplicate the enchanting code. Let me have a look at our code.

I can't devote a lot of time on it right now, unfortunately.

I suspect you can utilize mcl_enchanting and have your own formspec and inventory handling that uses redstone instead of lapis.

Relevant code starts at https://git.minetest.land/VoxeLibre/VoxeLibre/src/branch/master/mods/ITEMS/mcl_enchanting/engine.lua#L497

You can either make copies of those functions for your version of the enchanting table or override them with versions that use redstone.

Adding mcl_enchanting to your dependencies will force it to load before your code runs.

Dudo you happen to have an example somewhere how to "piggiback" on another mod? like what to leave out and what to put in?

I don't think I do. Closest I think I have is dependencies and overriding registered nodes.

I think that later one is done with minetest.override_item()

Du> <@:matrix.org> I don't think I do. Closest I think I have is dependencies and overriding registered nodes.

okay. I will try and redo the whole thing in a much more reduced version with the tips you gave me. I'm very thankful!

Btw. this game is so awesome. I love playing it and its insane how advanced it is. Especially considering the FOSS nature of it.

See https://api.minetest.net/minetest-namespace-reference/

Just don't throw away your old code. You never know if or when it will come in handy for reference purposes.

And thanks.

That is the API reference for the minetest engine that VoxeLibre runs on, so I end up having that open in a tab or two constantly.

We use our own APIs where possible, but someone has to write those APIs amd to do that you have to talk to minetest engine.